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Generate Implementation

CodePerfect can generate boilerplate methods for a type so that it implements an interface. For instance, given a type Foo that you want to implement the interface io.Reader, CodePerfect can generate:

func (f *Foo) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
panic("not implemented")

Move your text cursor on top of a type that you want to generate methods for:

Here, the cursor is on top of the Foo type.

Run Generate Implementation. This will present you with a menu to select an interface (fuzzy-search enabled). For this example, we'll select io.Reader:

Press Enter. In this case, CodePerfect generates the Read method directly beneath the declaration of Foo:

You can also run Generate Implementation with your cursor over the interface. In that case, CodePerfect will prompt you to select the type (Foo in this case).

CodePerfect will add methods intelligently. If an interface is already partially implemented, it won't generate the methods that already exist. On the other hand, if a method exists with the wrong signature, CodePerfect won't implement it either, and you'll need to fix the method yourself.